Requesting 住宿

Whenever possible equal access for individuals 有残疾的 will be achieved by implementing principles of Universal Design. When barriers still exist you may request reasonable accommodations as a means of securing equal access. 住宿 should be requested 通过 学习ing Support Services 通过 Accommodate rather than directly to faculty members.

学生 requesting accommodations for the first time are required to submit documentation 残疾的问题.  请参阅 Documentation Requirements.

住宿 are determined on an individualized basis. There is no predetermined list of accommodations based on a particular disability. 住宿 are determined 通过 an interactive process that begins during a student’s intake review with one of the Program Specialists. Accommodation decisions are based on the impact of a student’s disability, any relevant academic policies, and an assessment of the essential elements of a course or program of study.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines reasonable accommodations as the provision of services, such as interpreters, note-takers, extended time on examinations, architectural access, program modification and other adjustments. 参赛者必须 be otherwise qualified for the program in which they are enrolled. 两部分 504, nor the ADA, requires colleges to lower their academic standards or substantially alter the essential elements of their courses or programs to accommodate students 有残疾的. The requirement to provide reasonable accommodations is designed to provide equal access for students 有残疾的.

Federal law and the policies of Washtenaw Community College (十大彩票网赌平台) do not require the provision of personal-care attendants, individually prescribed devices, readers for personal use or other devices or services of a personal nature.

学生 有残疾的 should expect to follow all institutional policies and to be graded according to the same standards as other students at 十大彩票网赌平台. 住宿 and support services are intended to provide you equal access by minimizing the impact 残疾的问题, not to remediate. 住宿 cannot eliminate your responsibilities in such areas as conduct, class attendance nor can they alter the technical standards, fundamental elements or basic expectations of the class or course of study.

Achieving reasonable accommodations for a student with a disability involves shared responsibility among students, faculty, and staff.

学习ing Support Services provides accommodation services for students 有残疾的.  We discuss your specific needs with you 每学期 related to the requirements of your courses. 

Also, reviewed is the documentation 残疾的问题 and the basic standards of the program or course to be taken.    If there are any changes in medical condition(s) or mental health functioning, additional updated documentation may be requested.  We will consult with faculty/instructors, as necessary, regarding course requirements or faculty concerns related to the accommodations.

A letter of approved accommodations will be sent to instructors with student copied.


  • 住宿 are not retroactive.

Examples of accommodations that can be granted if specifically justified by documentation 包括:

  • Extended time on exams and/or a quiet place for taking tests (see Test Taking 住宿)
  • Permission to record lectures
  • Use of a non-programmable calculator
  • Use of computer based technologies for reading and/or written work
  • Alternative format materials (textbooks)
  • 大字(CCTV)
  • Sign language interpreter
  • Assistive listening devices (COMTEK)
  • 读者/抄写员
  • 笔记
  • 其他

The final determination for providing appropriate and reasonable accommodations rests 与LSS. 

Temporary accommodations may be approved for conditions that may impact a student’s academic functioning on a short term basis.
